

1. Can you share with me the problems we encountered when we further deepened our cooperation?能不能跟我分享一下,我们进一步深入合作的时候遇到的问题呢?

2. May I ask when is the most convenient time for you to follow up on your matter?(请问什么时间是您最方便的,我来跟进您的事情?)

3. We are not alone~When encountering problems, let's work together to overcome them!(我们并不孤单哦~遇到问题的时候,咱们一起努力克服困难吧!)

4. I'm not a cat stalker~(我可不是一个跟踪猫精哦~)

5. We must have missed too many good opportunities to make money~


6. Looking forward, imagine how popular and popular this new product will be in 6 months!(向前看,想象一下,6个月后这个新产品将有多么火爆,多么受欢迎吧!)

7. Would you be extremely happy if we agreed to collaborate exclusively in your city~(如果我们同意独家在你所在城市合作,你会不会感到超开心呢~)

8. If your competitors launched similar products earlier than you, you would probably feel a bit depressed, right?(如果你的竞争对手比你更早地推出了同类产品,想必你会有点儿郁闷吧?)

9. The market competition is fierce, and I will give priority to providing you with a more accurate and reasonable quotation compared to 100 yuan less. After all, I hope to keep you, how could I risk turning you away?


10. Our product quality and price are at the forefront of the market, even if you find a lower price when comparing, our quality is still unparalleled. I believe you can also see that our product is truly unique.


11. Indeed, our prices are relatively high, but most customers have chosen us. The reason they do this is not because they have more money, but because they know that our quality and service are trustworthy.


12. I really look forward to in-depth communication with you and learning more about your ideas, so that we can work together better.


13. We will never be ambiguous on the issue of product quality. We believe that only after you have used our products can you truly appreciate our quality and characteristics.



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